Apologies chinos and chinas
SORRY! I should say I have been neglecting you guys for the past week or so. Time just slipped up on me I guess. I mean, I was even home alllll week last week and still didn't get to writing a blog, but I did get some mad cleaning done! I cleaned like a madwoman. My uncle finally cleared the living room of all kid related items exe. toys, clothing, shoes, TRASH....whatever so I decided to make the best out of it and finally give the house a good rundown. I swept in between watching tv, talking on the internet and whatever else was going on at the time. I didn't do much homework because this week I have off from school. YES YES YES...........I'm so excited.
Right now I am waiting for Shane to get home. He is supposed to take me out to eat! Probably because I was rebelling and was still lounging in my pj's and whatnot at like 4 o'clock this evening, so he said when he got home we would go to Cracker Barrel. I would rather eat somewhere else truthfully, but anywhere is good for Shane.......lmao. He bought a motorcycle yesterday. I don't really care, but like I told him.....if you are always complaining about how broke you are and you can't even take your gf out and do things with her, then you don't need to be buying a motorcycle. AAAANnnndddd in the wintertime?? What was he thinking? He paid 12,000.00 dollars for this thing that he can't ride until next Spring anyways, because he said he got a really good deal on it! Well, I don't know anything about the motorcycle businness, but it doesn't look like a 12,000.00 dollar experience to me! But, anyways, that is where he is at at the moment. He took it to his sisters house so she could keep it in her garage for him. His building is full of 4-wheelers and such toys as that.
I watched the Real World last week, and it gets more and more disappointing to me. I can't believe they are letting this go for weeks and weeks. I would totally boycott it if I weren't such an addict, but that's what us fans really should do. I would go and liven it up for them, but I am selfish and look forward to being on a FULL season of wild crazy antics. I'm back in the O.C. though, it was great. And for the Apprentice, Trump really shook things up for them. I would say, KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN ALL YOU TRUMPEES! He is out for a massacre. Well, I will keep ya updated soon about whatever is in the way for me.........later babeeeeees
Another Week Another Dollar
Here we are again! Another week, YAY! I didn't really get into a whole lot of stuff this weekend. Are you really that surprised?? Come on, you know I NEVER get into too much on the weekends. Just a little laying around, studying, and stuff like that. However, there was a little twist this weekend. There was this thing in Bluefield called Train Days. This is where everyone with a fethish of trains (yes, i said what you think i said) goes to show off their model trains and tracks. You can even buy a train set if the spirit moves you. Well, as you might have guessed already I don't really care too much about this stuff. It matters to Shane though, so off I went with my preppy self to mingle with the oldies of the community! It was somewhat interesting for the fist couple of minutes (and I mean couple of minutes). I was ready to go after being there for about 5 or so minutes. I kept my cool pretty good I will have to say as Shane drug me around making comments about how this and that was really cool, and of course I agreed. I didn't really see the coolness in it. I mean, yeah, it is cool that these people put that much dedication into doing something like that, but it just isn't my thing. I think that I am going to become one of those housewives that ends up with a drinking problem. Shane will drag me off to the trainshow every year and I will follow along nonchalantly with my bottle of "Mountain Dew" . LMAO, yeah right, EVERCLEAR........VODKA.........you know, whatever will pass as MD.
So anyways, I also cooked dinner. And it was really good I will have to say! I had some nice plump chicken breasts and some veggies. Well, it doesn't sound all that great to you, but do you understand the accomplishment I have made? I COOKED.............I C-O-O-K-E-D. It's a huge feat in MeggieLand. It was good though. Shane couldn't believe it either. Is meggie going domestic? Don't know.......tune in next week for the answer! haha.......so anyways, I also made cookies afterwards, but unfortunately not everything can go smoothly so I burnt the cookies. I just forgot about them, I mean, this porn on the internet had me hooked! Lmao............J/K.
Let's see, I watched the last of the OC on Thursday. I missed the first part because my mom invited us over to her house for some steak and potatoes. How could I turn down steak and potatoes? So, I finally weasled out of my moms and scrammed back to Shanes to catch the last of the OC. Ryan is such a crackhead, I MEAN HELLO.......let's think about a girl for FOREVER, and then break up with her? What's the deal, seriously? So, I was bummed about that and then the Apprentice made me mad too. Not my night for television I guess. So, that was that also. Now I am looking forward to some Real World action and some Bachelor. We'll see how that goes this week. That's about it for me peeps, I'm plum out of stuff to say.
So, you know......I'm a redneck woman i ain't no high class broad I'm just a product of my raisin I say hey ya'll and yeeee haw..........psh............who am I kidding?
Just another Thursday
Now, I can't say that it is just another Thursday. Today is a bummin Thursday. I went to meet with my advisor today, and I was only there for about 30 min before I went off into the big city of Princeton. I was messing around when I decided that it was time to repair the damage that the tornado did when it ripped through my car......lol. Well, maybe I shouldn't blame it on a tornado......IT WAS ME! It's terrible that I let my car get like that......:)! So, anyways, I cleaned it.....I promise. I really need to get it detailed, but as you know already, most college students are always broke so that is it for me. I have a list of things that I need to do like 20 miles long, so I will get to them one at a time and hopefully get stuff done soon.
What do I have planned for the rest of the day you say? Well, I am going to my ma's house for some steak and potatoes this evening and then it's up to Shanes for a big night of the Apprentice and the OC....can't miss those for the world. I'm really looking forward to spending this time with my mom, she's so cute. Well, enough about that! What else.......well, that's about it.......I won't have another one of these things for a few days, so the next one will probably be jammed with stuff in it to read about. Later babes!
What is said in the first blog?
So how are you supposed to hit up your first blog? Am I supposed to tell you all about myself, or what? Do you want to know all about me and my life? I guess so, because you are reading this aren't you? Well, anyhow, here we go............
Well, let's start it out at the beginning of the week here..........
It's monday, and it definately feels like a Monday! I'm so sick and tired of going to work everyday, (I think this everyday) so I mope around and feel sorry for myself until I drink some tea or something and start bouncing off of the wall. I'm only at work from 7a.m. until 1p.m. then I'm off to the University so they can make me a "more rounded person" by pounding "useful information" into my brain that I'm going to forget after the semester is over. Haha, well, then It's mad learning until whenever my night class teacher decides to let me go home. My Monday night teacher is usually really laid back and stuff so it's not too bad on a Monday. I get home and everything is cool as I sit down and chill out for a little bit and cool off from a busy day in the world.
Tuesday, and I'm having trouble rolling off of the mattress this morning. I just can't get my nappy head off my pillow and shower to make myself all pretty and acceptable to the business junkies that await me in about, OH MY WHOA..........an hour make myself presentable and travel to work. (a thirty min drive for me everyday) Again, I mope around feeling sorry for myself, and whatever so I have like 3 sugar cookies at approximately 7:30 in the A.M. That's always good for me, until the high wears off and I feel worse than if I would've just held out for some waking up eye action! So, anyways, my eyes slant for a little while as I wait on customers and deal with the pressures of criminals and tellers.......oh, yeah, and the big wheelers at the bank! So, anyways, that's Tuesday mornings for me, then school, Bio lab, and some Spanish.......then off to home. However, Tuesday night didn't go as well as planned for me. All the way home all I could think of was getting home and crashing, but that didn't happen as planned. I was locked out of the house by my uncle for the ten thousandth time! I was mad as a hornet I do declare. You see, no breaking in these days, the storm windows are in and we are boarded up for a serious winter. So, after some deliberation with my Pa-pa I just decided that I would sit in my car and wait for him until he got home from his fiances house. I think it made him mad though, my public display of childish behavior, but I don't care for it wasn't my fault he locked me out again! :) I get a kick out of it still............lol.
So, today was normal........going to work and then going to school and scoping out the hot guys that would look great with me as an accessory! So, today was a good day, and ya know.......that's all I have to say about that one.
Who here is a real world fan?? I am a serious real world fanatic! Ed and I have decided that we don't really dig this season, but I had to give last night some props.....seriously! Even if Ed doesn't agree I liked it last night......MJ was cracking me up with his Muja Star Superhero thing. I couldn't help but laugh at the imagination in him. I think he would be an awsome friend to have. Tonight is the bachelor, and I'm not to psyched about that anymore either. I guess I have just lost interest in these shows that NEVER go my way no matter what! Now, tomorrow night is the Apprentice and the OC. I'm not sure about the OC yet, but we'll see. I'm still hooked at the moment.
Well, that's about all I have to say in this thingy here..............LATERRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!