15 November 2004

Another Week Another Dollar

Here we are again! Another week, YAY! I didn't really get into a whole lot of stuff this weekend. Are you really that surprised?? Come on, you know I NEVER get into too much on the weekends. Just a little laying around, studying, and stuff like that. However, there was a little twist this weekend. There was this thing in Bluefield called Train Days. This is where everyone with a fethish of trains (yes, i said what you think i said) goes to show off their model trains and tracks. You can even buy a train set if the spirit moves you. Well, as you might have guessed already I don't really care too much about this stuff. It matters to Shane though, so off I went with my preppy self to mingle with the oldies of the community! It was somewhat interesting for the fist couple of minutes (and I mean couple of minutes). I was ready to go after being there for about 5 or so minutes. I kept my cool pretty good I will have to say as Shane drug me around making comments about how this and that was really cool, and of course I agreed. I didn't really see the coolness in it. I mean, yeah, it is cool that these people put that much dedication into doing something like that, but it just isn't my thing. I think that I am going to become one of those housewives that ends up with a drinking problem. Shane will drag me off to the trainshow every year and I will follow along nonchalantly with my bottle of "Mountain Dew" . LMAO, yeah right, EVERCLEAR........VODKA.........you know, whatever will pass as MD.

So anyways, I also cooked dinner. And it was really good I will have to say! I had some nice plump chicken breasts and some veggies. Well, it doesn't sound all that great to you, but do you understand the accomplishment I have made? I COOKED.............I C-O-O-K-E-D. It's a huge feat in MeggieLand. It was good though. Shane couldn't believe it either. Is meggie going domestic? Don't know.......tune in next week for the answer! haha.......so anyways, I also made cookies afterwards, but unfortunately not everything can go smoothly so I burnt the cookies. I just forgot about them, I mean, this porn on the internet had me hooked! Lmao............J/K.

Let's see, I watched the last of the OC on Thursday. I missed the first part because my mom invited us over to her house for some steak and potatoes. How could I turn down steak and potatoes? So, I finally weasled out of my moms and scrammed back to Shanes to catch the last of the OC. Ryan is such a crackhead, I MEAN HELLO.......let's think about a girl for FOREVER, and then break up with her? What's the deal, seriously? So, I was bummed about that and then the Apprentice made me mad too. Not my night for television I guess. So, that was that also. Now I am looking forward to some Real World action and some Bachelor. We'll see how that goes this week. That's about it for me peeps, I'm plum out of stuff to say.

So, you know......I'm a redneck woman i ain't no high class broad I'm just a product of my raisin I say hey ya'll and yeeee haw..........psh............who am I kidding?




Blogger Bird33 said...

I like Bluefield, but that's one really dirty town. It's like stuck in the 1920s there, but it's cool. They do have some mean sports players there though, so they get my props. How far is that from you? And I knew you've been looking at porn. :) I'd let ya cook some for me. I'm sure it can't be all that bad. Have fun. Keep up the good work. Real World tomorrow!!

7:30 PM  

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